New work exploring the structural properties of glass, contained in and containing narrow wood frames. These pieces are often suspended, and move light and colour around a room, as they rotate on a room’s air movement.
Working closely with another artist is a balancing act that repays many times the effort to make it work. A lot of an artist’s life is solo time in the studio, so regularly working together with another can bring many plusses. There is a creative energy that is often greater than the sum of two […]
The urge to draw with carved lines of wood is a theme that returns with frequency throughout my sculptural practice, often a series will take over the studio for a month or two, as ideas are worked through, discarded, refined, consigned to the kindling pile, or considered worth keeping. This series was based on a […]
The simple act of jointing one material with another is so embedded in our built environment, that we can overlook how amazing this technique is – it transforms materials, and renders them malleable and extensible, these sculptures just play on the edges of this technology.
A couple of decades as an immigrant halfway around the world from my home country and so, so different from home in terms of seasons and weather has led me to study both attentively in my new country. Dissatisfied with using the same terms for the seasons as in my former country – spring, summer, […]
Forms that turn slowly in the moving air, that change as the light shifts around them, that fill spaces too strange for other more conventional art pieces. Always thinking about the way air moves.
These wall drawings are minimal and yet expand to claim the space, working with the simple beauty of carved lines of walnut. Abstract drawings that are full of movement.